
Institute for Discrete Structures and Symbolic Computation

Fundamental and advanced courses in algebra and geometry under consideration of algorithmic aspects for students of mathematics, student teachers and other STEM students.

The institute participates in beginners' and export lectures, teaches basic and advanced B.Sc. and B.A. courses in algebra and geometry and offers M.Sc. courses in group and character theory, Lie theory and (algebraic) geometry. In addition to learning abstract theories special emphasis is placed on an algorithmically oriented education in the field of theoretical mathematics. This also includes the use and development of appropriate software packages and of programming languages.

Algorithmically oriented teaching in the field of algebra and geometry

The IDSC designed the lecture track "Groups, Algorithms, Geometries and Applications" for undergraduate students of mathematics. This track conveys computational methods in algebra and geometry and also forms the basis for subsequent theoretical specialisations in the fields of algebraic geometry and group theory at graduate level.

Year Title Supervisor
2024 Algebraic coding theory Prof. Frederik Witt
2023 The Theorem of Riemann-Roch Prof. Frederik Witt
2022 Sphere packings constructed by binary block cedy via of the construction A Prof. Frederik Witt
Priv. Doz. Dr. Anda Degeratu
2022 Topological data analysis with the Vietoris-Rips complex, two examples in polymake Prof. Frederik Witt
2021 Desargues and Pappus Theorem in Projective Geometry Prof. Frederik Witt
2021 Mathieu groups Prof. Frederik Witt
2020 Gravitationswellen Priv. Doz. Dr. Anda Degeratu
2020 Passierbare Schwarzschild-Wurmlöcher Priv. Doz. Dr. Anda Degeratu
2020 Zusammenbruch eines Sterns und Entstehung von schwarzen Löchern Priv. Doz. Dr. Anda Degeratu
2020 The tropical Grassmannian variety Prof. Frederik Witt


Die Schwarzschild-Metrik  Priv. Doz. Dr. Anda Degeratu
2019 On the classification of complex surfaces Prof. Frederik Witt
2016 Toric Ideals, Gröbner Bases and the Knapsack Problem Prof. Frederik Witt
2016 Sylowzahlen Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2015 Zum Satz von Schur - Zassenhaus Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2015 Quadratsummen Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2015 Irreduzible Polynome Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
Year Title Supervisor
2022 Elliptic curves and Galois expansions of Q Prof. Frederik Witt
2022 Protein Sequences and Tropical Geometry Prof. Frederik Witt
2021 Toric Co-Higgs bundles and prevalued vector spaces Prof. Frederik Witt
2019 Neural networks and Gröbner bases Prof. Frederik Witt
2019 Gravitational Waves in the Presence of Cosmological Constant Priv. Doz. Dr. Anda Degeratu
2019 Zum Beweis des F*-Theorems für ganzzahlige Gruppenringe Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2018 Gravitational Waves in the Presence of Cosmological Constant  Priv. Doz. Dr. Anda Degeratu
2017 Quotients of algebraic varieties Prof. Frederik Witt
2016 Limiting configurations from a Hermitian point of view Prof. Frederik Witt
2016 Hodge Theory on Noncompact Manifolds Prof. Frederik Witt
2014 Multiplikative Jordanzerlegung in ganzzahligen Gruppenringen Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle

Algebra and geometry also form the theoretical core of teachers' training in mathematics where the IDSC makes a substantial contribution with regard to contents. It also offers advanced lectures and seminars. 

Year Title Supervisor
2021 Die Sätze von Desargues und Pappus in der projektiven Geometrie Prof. Frederik Witt
2019 Die Picard- und Jacobi-Varietät einer Riemannschen Fläche Prof. Frederik Witt
2020 Platonische Körper in der Theorie und Praxis Prof. Frederik Witt
2017 Verschiedene Beweise des Fundamentalsatzes der Algebra Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2017 Berechnung von Galoisgruppen bei Polynomen kleineren Grades Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2017 Zur Transzendenz von \pi Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2017 Restklassen und Kryptographie  Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2015 Über das Waringsche Problem  Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2015 Algebraische Behandlung klassischer Konstruktionsprobleme Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2014 RSA-Verfahren und Primzahltests Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
Year Title Supervisor
2019 Neuronale Netze und Gröbnerbasen Prof. Frederik Witt
2017 Charakterisierung transitiver Permutationsgruppen Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2016 Endliche projektive Inzidenzebenen Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle
2015 Kreisteilungskörper Apl. Prof. Wolfgang Kimmerle

The institute also participates in the export lectures "Mathematics for Computer Scientists and Software Engineers" and "HM3 (advanced)" of LExMath.

Further information can be found on the personal pages of the lecturers and in the institute's teaching schedule.

Further teaching activities of the IDSC

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