Archive Summer Term 2022

Seminars at the IDSR ST 2022

23.06.2022, 14:00-18:00

Inaugural colloquium of the IDSR

To celebrate the newly founded Institute of Discrete Structures and Symbolic Computation we hold a colloquium on algebra and geometry joint with the Tübingen-Stuttgart-Seminar (TüSS). 

Plakat Eröffnungskolloquium IDSR

18.05.22, 14:00-15:30

TüS\S Zoom-Meeting
Speaker: Davide Veniani, Uni Stuttgart

Titel: Towards an atlas of Enriques surfaces

One of the milestones of algebraic geometry is the classification of algebraic surfaces obtained by Castelnuovo and Enriques, revived and extended by Kodaira, Mumford and Bombieri. In this classification, Enriques surfaces played a fundamental role as the first example of non-rational surfaces with vanishing arithmetic and geometric genus. The original construction by Enriques involves a 10-dimensional family of sextic surfaces in the projective space which are non-normal along the edges of a tetrahedron.
In a joint work with G. Martin (Bonn) and G. Mezzedimi (Hannover), we study particular configurations of curves on Enriques surfaces, called (quasi-)elliptic fibrations. As a consequence of our results, we show that all Enriques surfaces arise from Enriques' original construction, as soon as the characteristic of the ground field is not 2. In this talk, I will recollect the 125-year-old history of Enriques surfaces, explain how our work fits in this story, and provide some insights into future projects.

11.05.2022, 14:00-15:30

TüS\S Zoom-Meeting
Speaker: Daniele Agostini, MPI Leipzig

Title: Singular curves, degenerate theta functions and KP solutions

Abstract: Smooth algebraic curves give rise to solutions to the KP equation, which models waves in shallow water, via Riemann's theta function. Singular curves produce solutions as well, but the theta function in this case becomes degenerate. I will present some results and questions in this direction, focusing on soliton and rational solutions.

Contact persons

This image shows Meinolf Geck

Meinolf Geck

Prof. Dr.

Professor - Chair of Algebra

This image shows Frederik Witt

Frederik Witt

Prof. Dr.

Professor - Chair of Differential Geometry

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