FrAGe 2023 — Fresh Algebra & Geometry

A workshop for fresh minds | October 12, 2023 | University of Stuttgart


Welcome to the website of the FrAGe workshop 2023.

Aim of the workshop is to connect researchers in the areas of algebra and geometry from the three institutes of pure mathematics in Stuttgart:

The workshop is open to everybody! If you wish to participate, please just contact one of the organizers: Eirini Chavli or Davide Veniani.

Samuel Creedon IAZ Centraliser counterparts of the Farahat-Higman algebra
Anda Degeratu IDSR Generalized McKay Correspondences
Kevin Schlegel IAZ Lifting exact structures in module categories
Ivan Solonenko IGT Complexification of projective spaces over real division algebras

Abstracts (pdf)

The FrAGe workshop is taking place on October 12, 2023 at the University of Stuttgart.

The workshop starts at 14:15 in room PWR 57 - 8.122.

It ends with a social dinner at 18:00 at the restaurant La Bruschetta.

14:00 Welcome
14:15 Talk 1 (Samuel Creedon)
14:45 Short break
15:00 Talk 2 (Ivan Solonenko)
15:30 Coffe break
16:00 Talk 3 (Anda Degeratu)
16:30 Short break
16:45 Talk 4 (Kevin Schlegel)
18:00 Dinner

In order to register, please send an e-mail to the organizers (see below). Please do so even if you are not sure to come, so that we can have a rough idea about the number of participants.

  1. Askarpour, Zahra
  2. Chavli, Eirini
  3. Creedon, Samuel
  4. Degeratu, Anda
  5. Flamencourt, Brice
  6. Guther, Willem
  7. Hellebrandt, Linus
  8. Marks, Frederik
  9. Ritter, Mathias
  10. Schlegel, Kevin
  11. Schwahn, Paul
  12. Solonenko, Ivan
  13. Veniani, Davide Cesare
  14. Xing, Yuying

Last update: September 22, 2023.


Dieses Bild zeigt Eirini Chavli

Eirini Chavli


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Dieses Bild zeigt Davide Cesare Veniani

Davide Cesare Veniani

Priv.-Doz. Dr.

Akademischer Wissenschaftler

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